Pastoral Counseling Ministry to Christian Singles

Christian Singles Looking For Love


Personal Lives

Firstly, singles we need to put together our personal lives in order. This is one of the critical pieces to establishing healthy, vibrant relationships in the future. Being happy and single isn’t a contradiction. Christian Singles Looking For Love can prepare for that ideal mate before you even meet them. Let’s work together to get you right with you.

“New Life helped us reunite our family. They were there for us when we really needed it.‘ ~ Dan S., 27, Husband

Brain Flush

Next, as a Christian single you are invited into world that is vastly deceiving. Everyday you will face choices which can harm or help you throughout the rest of your life. Ever felt like you needed a brain flush? Let us help by helping you set your life’s compass as a child of God to what really is abundant living.

Get UNstuck

Finally! There is genuine help! We help you get rid of issues holding you back such as bad habits, hang-ups, and choices that hurt. These issues keeping you stuck are designed to be pain killers but never really work to stop the pain. You may not feel stuck because they also can feed your pleasure centers driving you to addictive cycles seen throughout your life. In conclusion, we are here to help you move forward, out of stuck.

Pastor Ramon Mata, MDiv., MA. Counseling Ministry

Ramon’s experience and background uniquely qualifies him to serve you. Pastor Ramon Mata and his wife Carolyn have been married for over 40 years. Master of Divinity Degree and Masters of Arts in Counseling Ministry from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. A Licensed Professional Pastoral Counselor, he has helped thousands of couples, families, and singles find Christian Biblical World View solutions. Over 28 years helping others find Christian Biblical approach with issues like anger, frustration, stress, anxiety, codependency, abandonment, feelings of social inadequacy, and loss of purpose. Ramon is ready to help you.  Google

Read more from Ramon:  5 Steps to Improve Your Love Life